Following the completion of the popular television drama “Lovely Runner,” director Yoon Jong Ho participated in a roundtable discussion to discuss his work and his interactions with the cast. In the course of the discussion, director Yoon talked about how he collaborated closely with main actresses Kim Hye Yoon and Byun Woo Seok to bring the narrative of “Lovely Runner” to life. “The story required the actors to use different tones to match their ages,” he stated. It needed a well-thought-out plan. Sun Jae and Sol in their high school years spoke in a somewhat higher tone than Sun Jae and Sol in their twenties and thirties. Kim Hye Yoon and Byun Woo Seok both put a lot of effort into altering their tones.
Together, the actors and production team paid attention to even the minute nuances that are invisible to the human sight.” “Actress Kim Hye Yoon already had a reputation for her quality acting skills,” the director added. However, Im Sol’s emotions were not only volatile in the role, but it also required more than just skillful acting to be convincingly performed. The character needed to look good because she was the romantic comedy’s lead female role. Considering that Sun Jae needed to persuade the audience that she instantly fell in love with Sol. I aimed to highlight Kim Hye Yoon’s most beautiful aspect. I chastised her for that all the time. I asked an actress, whose performing prowess is her greatest asset, to focus on her makeup.” He went on, “Kim Hye Yoon followed my advice and started concentrating on enhancing her appearance, such as getting ‘camera massages.'” She felt like a daughter when we first started the project, but by the time it was over, she exuded more womanly energy. I was pleased with her work.” Upon viewing the director’s remarks, a few Korean internet users expressed their disapproval of the director’s “judgmental views”. Some stated, “The reason this drama was successful was Kim Hye Yoon. Is he being sincere at this moment?” “Are we in the right century..?” “Female actors are evaluated only on their appearance, regardless of their skill level. However, all it takes to be a gorgeous male actor is forgiveness.” “The drama’s success gave the director such a big head that he can’t make the right decisions about what should be said and what should not be said in public.” If it weren’t for Kim Hye Yoon’s acting, this drama would have failed miserably, but he claims that good acting is insufficient? Why doesn’t he discuss how Byun Woo Seok’s acting in some instances may have been better?” “OMG why is this director sh*ting on the drama now when it ended so well?” “The way he said it seriously pisses me off.” “It makes me mad to think that talented and hardworking actresses like her have to deal with this nonsense.” “I’ve never seen a director who talked sh*t about the female lead of a project that brought him so much success.” “Kim Hye Yoon is literally the definition of ‘lovely’.” “Instead of scolding Kim Hye Yoon for her looks, he should have scolded the other male cast members for not being able to keep up with her acting.” The last episode of “Lovely Runner” aired last week on May 28 KST, and it received an average audience rating of 5.8%.
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