
Popular Actress Brother Is Being Investigated For His Ex-Girlfriend’s Death.

A well-known actress’s brother has been identified as a potential suspect in the killing of his ex-girlfriend.

A woman reportedly died after falling from her ninth-floor apartment after her ex-boyfriend harassed and stalked her nonstop. Following the sad event, accusations were made against a man by a netizen posing as a relative of the deceased woman. The man is allegedly the brother of a well-known actress.

“We’re the family of the woman in her 20s who fell to her death after being harassed for 13 hours,” the internet user said. While the suspect continues to live his life and post updates on social media as if nothing occurred, we are in sorrow and in tears. We also learn that his sister is presently filming a play while leading a regular life.”

There are rumors that the brother of the actress was violent toward the woman who committed suicide. The guy allegedly contacted her compulsively and rang her doorbell for 17 hours straight after she eventually broke up with him.

The woman died a month after their split, allegedly as a result of the actress’s brother’s stalking. According to reports, he was with her when the crime happened and he phoned the police. The accused stated that following a disagreement between the two, the woman chose to fall to her death.

Police are looking into the matter right now.

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