
Support For G-Dragon Comes From Sister Kwon Dami.

HUGE BANG The elder sister of G-Dragon openly showed her support for her brother.
Kwon Dami took part in a campaign run by G-Dragon’s Instagram followers on November 14. She utilized the “Daisy” filter, which incorporates the firm’s emblem and insignia, along with the hashtags “Guardians of Daisy” and “We stand with GD” for her fashion brand.

She said earlier on November 10th, “I’m really holding it in, going crazy,” in reference to the issue surrounding G-Dragon’s use of drugs and full-body hair removal. Really, enough already, XXXX. XXX, you are penning a complete novel. She expressed her rage at the moment by playing “Gossip Man” by G-Dragon as background music. Lines like “I hear all the rumors about me / The numerous eyes (at me) are frightening” and “People who know enough all know / The truth is not what it seems” are found in the song “Gossip Man.”

On October 25th, the police charged G-Dragon with breaking the Narcotics Control Act. According to reports, G-Dragon’s purported involvement was discovered by the authorities last month while conducting an investigation into allegations of drug distribution at a Gangnam, Seoul, entertainment venue.

G-Dragon angrily refuted the charges, saying, “I didn’t use drugs. The media’s recent reports on “violation of the Narcotics Control Act” have nothing to do with me. “But this has worried a lot of people, so I will actively cooperate with the investigation by the investigative agency and answer faithfully,” he continued.

On November 6, he also freely went to the police station. Following a four-hour inquiry, G-Dragon shared on Instagram, saying, “ﺋ必歸正. Even if wrongdoings may initially be more prevalent and difficult to discern from right and wrong, everything will eventually return to its proper state.

In an interview with Yonhap News TV on November 13th, he reiterated, “I didn’t take (drugs).” I am the greatest person to know,” he underlined. As I had nothing to do with the accusations pertaining to drug charges, I willingly participated in the inquiry to demonstrate my innocence as quickly as possible.

He clarified, “The content of the article saying I had full-body hair removal is completely different from the truth, since I have never bleached or dyed my hair for more than a year and a half since last year’s album,” in response to rumors that he had shaved his body hair before going to the police station. The most crucial factor is that, despite the lack of communication or a physical search order, I voluntarily turned in my hair and nails to prove my innocence at the time of my voluntary attendance.

G-Dragon’s erratic gestures and slurred voice raised questions about possible drug usage. “My body is a little flexible because I danced for a long time and I have been in the entertainment industry for 30 years,” he said in his explanation. “I acted as a child actor at 6.” “My speech can also be misunderstood,” he continued. As my influence grew, I became more circumspect. And there’s a certain burden. Nevertheless, I express the truth in all honesty.

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