
TREASURE’s Hyunsuk Is Criticized By Fans For His Attitude Change.

The relationship between musicians and their followers is very important and influential in K-pop.

Hyunsuk from TREASURE has been in the news a lot lately, drawing attention away from his creative abilities and captivating stage presence and toward what seems to be a change in his attitude. A portion of his supporters are feeling disenchanted and agitated by this apparent change.

These people have gathered on Nate Pann to express their worries and express their dissatisfaction with the idol’s recent actions.

Hyunsuk’s recent change in appearance is what started the whole thing. There has been a noticeable change in his style since he first entered the music industry. His recent lip piercing sparked controversy among his followers.

Supporters said, “This is hilarious because it’s so ridiculous.” Every time he did a live stream, he would bemoan and talk critically about everything, complaining about how hard it is for him. Even a few wild critics’ remarks are too much for him to take, and he would bemoan them to his fans. He continued doing this for a few weeks before disappearing from Weverse. He returned to flaunt his lip piercing and is now ferociously interacting on Weverse, which is absurd.”

Another admirer wrote, “Really, where can you find idols who begin in private rooms debt-free, receive prompt settlements, and receive investments worth one billion won (750,000 USD)? Now that they are in their third year, they are going on shopping sprees and splurging on luxury products left and right, yet they are whining about how painful and tough it is throughout their livestream. Sincere concerns were expressed by the fans, who even recommended that they host a fan support event yesterday and left heartfelt comments in the comment box. The leaders reportedly got their lips and noses pierced the following day and let out their frustration on Weverse. Still unable to understand why we are feeling so irritated? Why even become idols in the first place if they are free to do as they please? I simply believe that his desire to have his piercings was the only reason he stated those things during the live show.”

Then, on November 1st, Hyunsuk posted a post featuring the lyrics of Misogi’s song “Gossip”.

Fans conjectured that Hyunsuk was making a backhanded remark regarding the grievances fans had been voicing, rather than a sincere song recommendation.

“All Treasure Makers (TREASURE fandom) know that you don’t recommend songs like this,” a fan said in response to Hyunsuk, taking a screenshot. It’s a little disappointing, and you don’t even feel as though you really wanted to promote it because you loved the music. I wish you had welcomed November with some tunes you truly adored. This feels like an inevitable way to feel.”

Other admirers joined the online group and added to the explanation that they were dissatisfied with Hyunsuk’s treatment of them as well as his most recent piercing. “It’s not just because of the piercing,” they clarified. Since the beginning, fans have been calling for a more subdued look, but for more than a year and a half, he has been wearing his hair in a man bun. We never addressed it head-on, but a few days ago, he started talking about how difficult things are for him right now and how he can’t do what he wants to in the group. He declared that he no longer liked the look of his debut period. He would visit the Namu Wiki page and express his dislike for the profile photo, even asking supporters to alter it. Fans assumed he was truly struggling when he questioned whether they would still like him, so we were there to encourage him. However, he claimed to have gotten a piercing the following day because he was stressed. He was then criticized by supporters. He also shared the song’s lyrics online that same morning. When it comes to other idols, I genuinely believe that TREASURE members have it easy. “He is really taking everything for granted,” “I don’t think he wants fans, he wants servants and an ATM,” and “If other idols did what they’re doing, they would have been canceled.”

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